Protect your Data Before it is Hacked

Download the latest eBook on How to Prevent Cyber Attacks through Efficient Cyber Resilience and Learn how better data protection leads to greater cost savings.

A recent Juniper Research study estimates that cybercrime will cost businesses $2.1 trillion globally by 2019. Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses, and losing it to a hacker can cause irreversible damage. You should back up and secure everything you possibly can, even if you don’t think the data you possess is important enough to be hacked. Don’t wait another day to secure your data. Protecting yourself and your information now will be much easier and less expensive than recovering it after you’ve been hacked!

  • Never click on links in random emails or chats. If you receive a message with a link you think you need to click, hover over it beforehand to make sure it leads where it says it will.
  • Make sure you know who’s sent you something. Some senders try to disguise their emails as legitimate senders, but you can check the “from” field to see who’s really behind that email.
  • Keep an eye on online accounts. Regularly logging into your online accounts, even the ones you don’t often use, is imperative for catching any bank or credit card phishing scams in the works.

More info: Managed Firewall Services


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